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Beta 1.0 16.12.2022:
Added feature - new quest
Added feature - new task
Added feature - catching wasp to the jar
Added feature - fisherman lures
Fixed - digging in sand on rook
Fixed - scarring potions
Fixed - bank accounts transfer
Fixed - bank changing money
Fixed - spawn delay depending on players online
Fixed - Rashid Quest
Fixed - typos
Fixed - non existing item names
Fixed - player exit on pz lock
Fixed - player can not change spells obtained from npc or quest
Fixed - Wren quest
Fixed - Vanglur quest
Fixed - monsters walking on fields
Fixed - potions can be used only on yourself
Updated - spells adjustments
Updated - removed occupations quests
Updated - no browse field message
Updated - NPC trade items
Updated - monster paralyze
Updated - hero statues
Updated - Paw and Fur Boss tps shows message when cannot enter
Updated - item enchantments drop rate
Updated - balance of reward for alpha and leader coins
Updated - hints
Updated - quality prefixes
Updated - temple of hollow quest
Updated - enchant items effects
Updated - spell scrolls effects
Updated - rework of Fisherman subprofession
Site changes
Added feature - google analytics integration
Added feature - premium days from codes
Added feature - countdown to launch
Updated - p24 rules
Updated - server info
Updated - unique page
Updated - occupations pages
Fixed - buying pacc when there was never pacc before
Fixed - redeem points
Fixed - updating account info
Alpha 7.0 29.11.2022:
Added feature - Fisherman subprofession
Added feature - Boosted creatures
Added feature - two more paladin trial arenas
Added feature - more and more NPCs
Added feature - new pathfinding system for monsters
Added feature - 2x exp after death
Added feature - some monsters can change colors
Added feature - Rashid now buys Djinn War items
Added feature - new quests
Fixed - hunter description
Fixed - door and key system
Fixed - commands
Fixed - swimmable water works as trashcan
Fixed - monsters cannot go to swim
Fixed - monsters attacks depends on monster power
Fixed - some scripts had problems with adding items to player
Fixed - crash bug on selling and buying containers
Fixed - now you can not dig up anything on rook
Fixed - part 1 fixing spawns on the entire map for better PvE experience
Fixed - som map bugs
Updated - Vanglur quest
Updated - Occupations Blacksmith
Updated - Changed some items attributes
Updated - some code for performance
Updated - wands mana consumption
Updated - new monster attacks
Updated - burst arrow formula
Updated - npc modules
Site changes
Added feature - przelewy24
Added feature - twitchTV stream when online
Added feature - countdown to launch
Updated - new icon
Updated - new logo
Fixed - invitation codes
Fixed - forum link
Alpha 6.0 07.07.2022:
Engine changes
Added feature - Fisherman subprofession
Added feature - subrofessions quest log
Added feature - occupation description when highlighting character
Added feature - day and night cycle
Added feature - items from premium shop are send to store inbox
Added feature - hand net for catching bugs
Added feature - new crucible fuel
Added feature - jar of honey
Added feature - coconut milk and fruit juice
Added feature - vein of ore can break to ores
Added feature - gold ore
Added feature - quest for capacity on rookgaard
Added feature - 20+ NPCs in Dion, Northport, Mineroth and others
Added feature - many new transport NPCs
Added feature - talking to NPC creates map mark
Added feature - Rashind and Yasir location in Worldboard
Added feature - new Killing in the name of monsters and bosses
Fixed - fleeing monster respecting monster power
Fixed - first item and outfits on rookgaard
Fixed - soul regeneration from potions
Fixed - water elemental fishing
Fixed - drowning underwater and helmet of the deep
Fixed - other small and minor fixes
Updated - changed glowing ore to uridium ore
Updated - trolls power
Updated - some monsters drops twings
Updated - some other monsters
Updated - distilling machine items
Updated - prices for runes and potions
Updated - some item names including fisherman items
Updated - other balance changes
Site changes
Rework - new site implemented
Added site feature - sending mails
Added site feature - added PayNow integration
Added site feature - added recaptcha
Added site feature - added commands to gift shop
Added site feature - added new mounts to gift shop
Added site feature - added new items to gift shop
Added site feature - outfit system
Added site feature - PayPal integration
Added site feature - Facebook integration
Added site feature - Discord widget
Added site feature - Roadmap
Added site feature - Donation system
Added site feature - Donation system
Added site feature - Invitation system
Added site feature - Redeem points codes
Updated - site images
Updated - rules page
Updated - server info
Updated - occupations pages
Updated - subprofessions page
Fixed - site Highscores
Alpha 5.0 07.04.2022:
Rework - reworked whole engine to be compatible with TFS.
Changed - moved repositories to github
Alpha 4.0 18.05.2021:
Added feature - Exhaust to bug reports
Added feature - Over 40 new raids
Added feature - Behemoth Quest
Added feature - Demon Helmet Quest
Added feature - Dwarven Armor Quest
Added feature - Orc Fortress Quest
Added feature - Huntery Occupation Quest
Added feature - Alchemy Occupation Quest
Added feature - Blacksmithing Occupation Quest
Added feature - Blessed Wooden Stake Quest
Added feature - Blacksmith Sam package Quest
Added feature - Dead Island (Alzarquak, Oxrok) access Quest
Added feature - 50+ quest chests
Added feature - Blessings system
Added feature - Respawning items over time system
Added feature - Over 20 new NPC - mostly in Dion
Added feature - Raid tokens (launching raids)
Added feature - Addons quests for Knight, Nobleman, Druid, Mage, Beggar, Paladin, Warrior Outfits
Added feature - Sand brick (100 sand)
Added feature - Blacksmiths around Trollheim can make different kind of steel (hell, draconian, etc.)
Updated - Bosses cannot respawn as leader or alpha
Updated - Rebalanced vocations
Updated - obsidian knife price
Updated - Hunter's quiver can hold ammunition now
Updated - Taming script (new mounts)
Updated - Huntery Skinning, Alchemy Ingredients
Changed - Reworked some bosses
Fixed - Monsters with manacost = 0
Fixed - Mount system
Fixed - Rust Remover system
Fixed - Some player reports
Fixed - Other little fixes
Alpha 3.0 23.04.2021:
Added feature - Miner subprofession
Added feature - Lumberjack subprofession
Added feature - Rookslayer quest
Added feature - New monsters
Added feature - Annihilator quest
Added feature - First items on main sended to depot
Added feature - Oren Fort access quest
Added feature - Wizard Outfit and addons quest
Added feature - Adventurer map
Added feature - Exhaust to all commands
Added feature - Temple of hollow lever to open tp
Added feature - Find Person spell on higher levels show distance in SQM and can also find monsters and NPCs
Added feature - 12 new monster spawns
Updated - Rookgaard quests
Updated - Shopper NPCs
Updated - Monster loot skillbooks
Updated - Monsters balance
Updated - New quest chest system
Updated - Trollheim Client
Changed - Potions balance
Changed - Vocations balance
Changed - Disintegrate rune can disintegrate ore veins
Fixed - Items names
Fixed - Monster power
Fixed - Sleeping skeleton script
Fixed - Monster cannot walk over shallow swamp
Fixed - Sugar cane and out meal scripts
Fixed - The Oracle could teleport to mainland without vocation
Fixed - Some player reports
Fixed - Other little fixes
Alpha 2.0 26.02.2021:
Server published on ot server lists
Added feature - Rookie outfit and first items
Added feature - Client installation manual - Download section on web page
Added feature - Server save every 30 minutes
Added feature - Paw and Fur quest few boss spawns
Added feature - Discord button on web page
Added feature - Roogaard guide on web page
Updated - New client with new maps
Changed - Broadcast messages
Changed - Web page menu order
Fixed - Monsters summons
Fixed - Death spawn
Fixed - Spellings
Fixed - Chest rewards
Fixed - Lots of Rookgaard scripts
Fixed - 50+ Players bug reports
Fixed - Map glitches
Alpha 1.9 19.02.2021:
Added feature - Sorcerer Promotion Quest
Added feature - Few NPC with quests
Added feature - New teleports on map
Added feature - NPC selling training dummies
Added feature - Map on site
Added feature - Rules on site
Added feature - Reporting system
Updated - Some map spawns
Updated - Many new teleports (will be changed for NPC in next updates)
Changed - Spell leaning and occupation exping for tests
Changed - Some map spawns
Fixed - Few scripts due to low performance
Fixed - Some spelling bugs
Fixed - Map glitches
Alpha 1.8 02.02.2021:
Added feature - 20+ new NPC
Updated - Beggars near temples now show map in Mineroth and Dion
Updated - Paw and Fur quest
Balanced - Player with level below 20 are not going to loose items after unjustified death from PvP
Changed - Rashid change spawn location during week
Fixed - Weapons dealing DMG over time
Fixed - Map glitches
Alpha 1.7 05.11.2020:
Added feature - Additional 25 MB map
Added feature - NPC to rookgaard map
Added feature - The Oracle
Added feature - Task system on rookgaard
Added feature - Rookgaard Quests
Added feature - Rookgaard Scripts
Added feature - Rookslayer vocation
Added feature - New monsters spawns
Updated - Fruit Trees script
Balanced - Vocations soulgain ticks
Changed - Knight promotion scripts
Changed - Death appear only after high level character death
Fixed - Few items
Fixed - Orc Berserker speed
Fixed - Map glitches
Alpha 1.6 11.06.2020:
Added feature - Paladin Promotion Quest
Added feature - Mineroth lift
Added feature - Dummies respawn item
Added feature - Change Sex rune
Added feature - New quests
Added feature - Loot channel auto open
Added feature - New monsters spawns
Updated - Blacksmith recipes
Updated - New teleport scripts around map
Updated - Added new items
Updated - Some npc messages
Changed - Occupations informations
Fixed - Speed potions
Fixed - Some monster corpses
Fixed - Map glitches
Alpha 1.5 23.04.2020:
Added feature - New monsters spawns
Updated - Teleport System
Updated - Blacksmith recipes
Changed - Occupations informations
Changed - Chance to destroy item with quality upgrade > 10
Fixed - Site scripts
Fixed - Site missing item and monsters gifs
Fixed - Some monsters
Fixed - Requirements for Occupations
Fixed - Player speed issues
Fixed - Over 100 missing items
Fixed - Map glitches
Alpha 1.4 1.03.2020:
Added feature - teleport to town for everyone (say "/town 1")
Added feature - magic level skill books
Added feature - Grizzly Adams buys trophies
Added feature - minimap in client
Added feature - Hunter Artisan Trophies
Added feature - Hunter Artisan Tame Items
Added feature - Some missing Alchemy Materials up to Tibia 8.54
Changed - some items descriptions
Balance - rust remover
Balance - cyclops loot
Balance - Hunter ammunition recipes
Fixed - Huntery skinning&staking corpses
Fixed - Loot from Rot Elemental
Fixed - Braindeath spells
Fixed - missing fluids + magic effect
Fixed - missing items graphics on site
Fixed - site creating character screen
Fixed - map glitches
Alpha 1.3 23.02.2020:
Added feature - HTTPS/SSL on site
Added feature - Alchemy Occupation
Added feature - Huntery Occupation
Added feature - NPC Demir now flies to Hunters Camp
Added feature - new chest rewards around Oren
Added feature - Alexander gives druid and sorcerer first rod or wand
Added NPC - Huntard - head of Huntery Association (find him in Oren Hunters Camp near Grizzly Adams)
Added NPC - Vossler Sangrey - head of Alchemy Association (find him in Alchemy Quarter under Alexander's wand and rods store)
Added NPC - Ustan - selling druid spells in Oren Magic Quarter
Added NPC - Isolde - selling paladin spells in Oren Paladin Academy
Added NPC - Torgom - selling sorcerer spells in Oren Magic Quarter above Alexander
Added NPC - Tristan - selling knight spells in Oren Knights guild
Added NPC - Eliza - selling party spells in Oren Magic Quarter under Alexander
Added NPC - Devin - selling advanced spells in Damak
Added NPC - Blacksmith John - selling skinning knifes
Balance - skill books gives more % of skill on use
Fixed - NPC spells learning
Fixed - some map glitches
Fixed - some spell issues
Fixed - some items issues
Alpha 1.2 16.02.2020:
Added feature - new monster Stone Rhino
Added feature - Spawn System (more players means faster respawn)
Added feature - Coal Basin teleports - use soil as fuel
Added raid - Grorlam
Added location - new Demon Skeleton respawn
Added location - Killer Caimans cave
Added location - Death Blobs cave
Added location - Gnarlhounds spawn
Added location - Black temple with Necros and Bonebeasts north-west from Oren
Added location - Brimestonebugs with Bog Riders (coal basin teleport)
Added location - Necropharus resp with Undead Gladiators
Balance - Eternal Guardian now throw spears 0-200 dmg
Balance - Blood Crab modification
Balance - Demon immunities
Balance - decreased natural soil, glimmering soil, iced soil and energy soil drop rate
Fixed - some map glitches
Alpha 1.1 8.02.2020:
Added feature - Poison Dragon
Added feature - new island with Poison Dragons and Earth Elementals
Fixed - some map glitches
Fixed - enchanted staff now gives magic level properly
Balance - updated earth elementals spawn, and changed reward in chest on resp
Balance - changed spells and resists in 31 monsters
Fixed - some map glitches
Added feature - autorestarter
Added feature - Loot Channel
Added feature - Occupations mobile items
Added feature - Beggar Frank Railway Map Mark
Fixed - bunch of map glitches
Fixing monsters issues in repository
Added feature - gain exp on occupation advance
Added feature - disabled browse field
Balance - decreased loot from alpha and leader monsters
Fixed - backpack loots
Added feature - spellscroll can be set in monster file
Fixed - if loot in monster file is set to 100% then even if monster is -70% than it always drop that item
Added feature - 3 options for monsters - 0 normal, 1 - cannot be alpha nor leader, 2 - always 100%
Added new monsters
Fixed - loot in various monsters
Added - new rails to south of Oren
Balance - changed spawns in underground north of Damak
Fixed - typos
Fixed - most unknown items names
Added Supplier NPC
Added quest for railways to spawns access
Fixed some Bosses drop
Added missing quest to quest.log
Small typo and other fixes
Fixed Paw and Fur Quest log
Changed some potions
Added Vanglur Quest
Updated map
Fixing map bugs
Fixed Levitate spell to work with upper cases
Updated Braindeath
Changed map for Oren and Damak (part 1 of 3)
Updated monsters
Added passive monsters
Added Infernalists Quest
Added Quests Chest system
Fixing promotions scripts
Fixed paladin vocation hp and cap gain amount
Fixed few map glitches
Added King Orenus task
Fixed shop system
Updated spells
Added Quests Chest system
Fixing some items
Added Changelog
Changes in site left menu panel
Added Roadmap site
First commit
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Im Not Racist
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